Saturday, January 30, 2016

Sharing more about the other parts of my life. "I'm a Third Grade Teacher!"

Good morning my friends, I wanted to share a bit more about me. I know a lot of you are friends with me on Facebook, but if not you may not know I'm a Third Grade Teacher. I LOVE my occupation! 
I took a picture recently of a stack of papers I was grading. Grading papers is part of the tasks I do each day, I love grading papers because I get to see the progress of my students, as well as pinpoint the areas in which a student needs more assistance. I have a before and after picture of the stack of papers. 

As you can see I use my oils in every part of my day. My students will say "yum, that smells good what is it?" and another student will answer "it's her oils" how cute is that! 
Shortly after I started using my oils I had a little girl tell me her mother uses oils and one of them is called "calm the child" she then asked me if the oils I was wearing that day was called "calm the teacher" needless to say I burst out laughing. So here's to Calm the Teacher... the "recipe" is:

10 drops "Young Living Lavender" 
10 drops "Young Living Stress Away"
10 drops Young "Living Peace and Calming"
10 drops "Young Living Valor"
10 drops "Young Living Vetiver"
"Fractionated Coconut Oil" (cocos nucifera)

Put the oils in a "10 ml roller ball"  top off with a carrier oil, I use "Fractionated Coconut Oil." I apply topically to my wrists, temples, and base of my neck. Even behind my ears
Added note: I ordered the Coconut Oil and roller ball on the internet. 
The "Lavender" and "Stress Away" come in your "Young Living Premium Starter Kit."

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