Monday, April 25, 2016

Lancome Makeup, Janet Evanovich Novels, Iced Coffee, Cover Girl Mascara, and Sleepy Time Tea with Copiaba Young Living Essential Oil and Honey.

Lancome Makeup, Janet Evanovich Novels, McDonald's Iced Coffee, Cover Girl Mascara, and Sleepy Time Tea with 
Copiaba Young Living Essential Oil and Honey. 

A few more of my favorite things!

1) Lancome Teint Idole Ultra 24 Hour Makeup. I have used Lancome Makeup for 25 years or so and have gone through the many discontinued and NEW products. I love this makeup because it has a great pump on it (no contamination) and it lasts forever! I don't feel like there is any waste when it gets to the end. 
2) Janet Evanovish I LOVE this author. Hands down the funniest books on the planet. The One for the Money Series is a can't put down to do anything type of read. There are currently 23 novels in the series. I'm so excited to read the last two. She has other novels I have read as well, so go to your local library and start ASAP. They are in order, so try to start with the first one!
3) McDonald's Iced Coffee is my coffee drink of choice, yes even in the winter! I grab one on the way to work most mornings. 
4) Cover Girl Flamed Out Mascara. This "almost old chick" has used a lot of mascara in her life. I'm very sensitive to cosmetics and this one does not bother my eyes. I recently started adding a drop of YL Lavender Essential Oil to promote healthy lashes and it makes the tube last longer! 
5) Sleepy Time Tea. After a day teaching my little minions I like to wind down with a cup of this tea. I add Young Living Copiaba Essential Oil and honey for an added immune boost and over all healthy warm drink. It's become a nightly ritual in my routine. 


  1. I love reading about my favorite things posts!
