Saturday, January 30, 2016

"Beauty Tip" Let's Talk Mascara and Lavender Oil.

We've all been there, standing in the cosmetic isle looking for the perfect mascara (while other shoppers are bumping into you with their cart). What a selection, all the hype, colorful packages, pictures of the perfect eyelashes. Finally we choose one, take it home and try it. Does it do what it says on the package? Is it the mascara for you? "No" you say with a sigh. So, you just spent about $9 on something you will eventually throw away. 
After several different products I found one I'm compatible with, but I want more "volume" and of course my "eye lashes" need to be longer. I'm content, so I've used it for several years now. 
Recently, I read you can add a drop of "Lavender Young Living Essential Oil" to your mascara for fuller longer lashes. I was so excited because I had just ordered my "Premium Starter Kit" from "Young Living" and "Lavender Essential Oil" comes in the kit. I wanted to give it a try so I added one drop to my mascara. I combined the Lavender Oil in the tube by twisting in stirring motions with the brush along the sides. I didn't pump it up and down! 
I was amazed at how it actually loosened up the contents of the mascara in the tube, meaning more mascara to apply to my lashes. Now for the good parts. My lashes were fuller and longer! 
I know what your thinking...does it sting your eyes? No, not at all. 

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